


Quarterback Club

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We get asked often how people can help the program. We have put together an Amazon Wish List of things we could use to help improve this program. If able, your support would be greatly appreciated, if you know anyone outside of the program that would like to help please share the list with them.

Wishlist Items:

  • Printer Ink – we print practice schedules, depth charts, and much more daily.
  • Rubbermaid Tanks – Varsity players take Ice Baths on Wednesdays to help recover for Friday. We currently have 1 big tank, smaller individual tanks would use less ice.
  • Tape Cutters – need a set for the locker room so they do not have to go to the training room after practice or games.
  • Snacks/Drinks – To be kept in locker room for players to eat during the day or before/after practice.
  • Protein – Athletes need to eat protein immediately after morning workouts and throughout the day. From what I observe the majority of our athletes are not getting close to enough protein in their diets to maximize the amount of work they are doing in the weight room. Eating protein after workouts and throughout the day would help them build muscle to prevent injuries and get stronger.
  • Beverage Dispenser – We have enough blenders to make protein shakes each morning we purchased last year. Problem was when we mixed them, by the time the Athletes got them they started to settle and they wouldn’t drink them, if we had this that would fix that problem. This would be much cheaper than buying premix bottles.
  • Towels – If we had a set of towels to keep in locker room we could wash daily and athletes could use after showering after AM workouts.
  • Laundry Soap – We do 15-20 loads of laundry daily between HS and JH to keep athletes from getting staph or having to take their stuff home daily to wash.

You can pick which items you would like to purchase to support and they will be shipped directly to us and available for the Athletes. Thank you for everything you do for this program!!